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Merger Model
Merger Model
Why does goodwill get created in an acquisition?
Merger Model
What is the difference between a merger and an acquisition?
Merger Model
What are synergies? What kinds of synergies are there?
Merger Model
What are some reasons for why a company would want to acquire another company?
Merger Model
Why would an acquisition be dilutive?
Merger Model
Why would a strategic acquirer typically be willing to pay more for a company than a private equity firm?
Merger Model
Is there a shortcut to determine whether a transaction is accretive or dilutive to shareholders?
Merger Model
In an all-stock deal, how can you quickly tell if a deal will be accretive or dilutive?
Merger Model
Walk me through a basic merger model
Merger Model
A company with a higher P/E multiple acquires one with a lower P/E multiple. Is this deal accretive or dilutive?
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